Tobias Baldauf
about me
Who is Tobias Baldauf?

I was born in 1986 and grew up in Olbernhau, a little town in Saxony (Here it is).
During my physics undergraduate studies at the University of Dresden and University of Zurich, the intersection of computer science and theoretical physics sparked my interest. My PhD research at the University of Zurich was thus focused on statistical and theoretical questions in cosmology, where I used analytical models and computer simulations to shed some more light on the formation of structure on the largest observable scales in the Universe.
From 2013-2016, I was a postdoctoral member at the School of Natural Sciences at the Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton and from 2016-2021 the Stephen Hawking Advanced Fellow at the Centre for Theoretical Cosmology and Department for Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics at the University of Cambridge. In 2021 I decided to leave academic research behind and to focus on some more terrestrial applications of my computational and statistical skills as an image processing research engineer in Apple's Camera and Photos division.
I am however keeping my links with Clare Hall, as a fellow and graduate tutor.

I have been dabbling in photography for a number of years and some of the results may be found in the gallery as well as on Flickr: tobiasbaldauf and Instagram: @miriquidi0210.

© 2015 by Tobias Baldauf | t.baldauf[at]